About Natalie & Resources

A little bit about me:

I am deeply inspired by nature and the natural world and how living in connection to nature can support us to feel well & supported. Sitting in the woods under a tree can bring me such a profound sense of peace and knowing my place in the world. TRE brings me a similar feeling inside of my body and so I’m inspired to share this practice with others. 

I started learning TRE in 2017 from Jo Hamilton in Exeter. I was looking for a practice to support me after becoming burnt-out and this practice has helped me change my life. 

I am now a fully qualified and insured TRE (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise,) practitioner and offer 121 and group classes on Dartmoor as well as online. 

I have always known that certain things have the power to make me feel connected, peaceful and well. Being in nature, being with animals, feeling the love, presence and support of friends and family. These are things I seek out when I want to feel more connected to myself & my world. 

I am a qualified teacher and also work as a Therapeutic Horsemanship practitioner with vulnerable young people; I have been doing this for 20 years and I find being around my own horses incredibly therapeutic. I was introduced to somatic (body) work by trainings I did in the US in Therapeutic Equine work. 

Training in TRE has helped me understand more deeply why certain things help me feel good, and what is happening in my body and my nervous system. Learning TRE when I needed help has given me a barometer to understand what is happening in my body if I get out of balance and a map for getting back to health and peace. 

I am delighted to be able to share this work with you and feel passionate about supporting people to feel wellness in their bodies and minds. I know that when I feel well in my body & nervous system I am more resilient, happy & energised.

I feel that every body’s body has the wisdom to know how to get back to balance and TRE is a practice that can be hugely supportive of this. 

One of the things I love about this practice is that once your body has learnt to tremor you can shake anywhere and whenever you need it. You aren’t reliant on a practitioner to support you or the funds to pay for classes which feels very empowering.

With love, 


Inspirational and useful reading: 

Shake It Off Naturally: Reduce Stress, Anxiety & Tension with TRE – David Berceli 

Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences – Peter Levine 

When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress – Gabor Maté

The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain & Body in the Transformation of Trauma – Bessel van der Kolk 

8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery: Take-charge Strategies to Empower your Healing – Babette Rothschild 

The Pocket Guide to Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe – Stephen Porges 

I also hugely recommend the following ‘comic’ style books by Steve Haines & Sophie Standing which help to explain in easier-to-understand terms what is happening in the nervous system when we experience Trauma, Anxiety & Pain:

  • Anxiety is Really Strange
  • Trauma is Really Strange
  • Pain is really Strange
  • Touch is Really Strange
  • Forgiveness is Really Strange  

Qualifications & Experience

I am a Qualified Teacher, a Therapeutic Horsemanship provider and a Qualified TRE provider. 


I have a vision that we all have the practices we need to support ourselves and each other to thrive and feel well in our bodies.

I have a longing that healthy, happy people will protect our earth, each other & the natural world.  
